Just remember, there’s bird-cherry everywhere,
the hawthorn’s blooming, the lilacs thick as thieves,
but you meanwhile are now its enemy,
though who knows—from without or from within.
The chestnut’s standing to its fullest height,
taking on the jack-of-all-trades wind.
So why don’t you go stand by its side,
gaping like some terminal birdwatcher,
yes, yes, at birds, but just look at
their names (where did I find them, now?).
You gorge in silence, like a pigeon or a swift,
but you could be singing like a warbler or a finch.
Can’t sing? then go on, time for bed.
Can’t sleep? then get up early,
open the window, check again
to see if there’s some grackles or a robin.
My goodness, look, the sky’s so blue!
But you break out in sweat, then freeze anew,
as if it’s neither dead nor alive, your
soul—a rag, crumpled in the kitchen sink.
Hey, rag, squeeze yourself out, get it together,
take a stroll somewhere slippery and sticky!
Remember, there’s so much life around
that any gaze and every smile,
snippets of conversation, a random phrase,
our shared confusion in its haze and roar
sounds out so brightly, as if pure acid
were suddenly splashed in your face.
And how I can describe all this bullshit
without profanity—I really can’t conceive.
Most of all, remember, the motherfucking lilacs!
The hawthorn and the bird-cherry!
Yuli Gugolevtranslated by Ainsley Morse*
If I leave for Armenia or London and start to remember
what Russia was for me, I’ll recall:
— flowing over the square’s edge, wet and reddened,
five-fingered ivy at my stop for tram forty-eight
— the polyclinic’s yellow circles;
— turtles at the hospice center;
— radio “Maria” airing a commemoration;
— a street saxophonist and the way he puffs out his cheeks, filling
the underpass with a light, wordless energy;
— the black T-shirt’s triangular cut and my desire
for that skinny long body that never really
belonged to anyone;
— metal flowers of barbed wire, and a blinding
mirror in the middle, jutting out of the water somewhere
in the Pryazhka: thank you for this gift, reminiscent
of Francisco Infante-Arana’s installation;
— extraterrestrial squirrels’ heads with black,
beady eyes and their helplessness,
facing a force ready to remove the skin from the earth,
cutting the heads from the flowers we sowed.
Alexandra TsibuliaJack McClelland * * *
I looked at your face
And the dark began there
Outside in the morning people
Will speak in the language of textbooks
I’m trying to learn it as quickly as possible
At least to the point where I can understand
Easy YA detective books
My language turned against me
My language my enemy
When I speak it with you
My Ukrainian-speaking boy
I feel in my mouth a bitterness impossible to remove
Even by kisses
The bitterness of betrayal
I gobble tabs of Ukrainian
At an English-language rave
I mainline German
In Vienna
There’s so much Russian in the free trams
I turn away every time
Pretend I’m local
In Vienna there’s a bit less
For half a year or more you didn’t tell me
It was your native language
We only figured it out later
What should I speak to you in?
My native language has been poisoned by Russian tanks
Sorry but for me a Russian-speaking kid
sent to a Ukrainian-language school
It was the language of violence, bullying and demonstrative
Language olympiads
And how can I speak with you
How to speak
In German that you don’t know
In English that grosses me out
In broken Ukrainian
In the language of your brother’s murderers
(He was two years younger than me)
If at least its Ukrainian version?
We choose the language of darkness
The light rustle of sheets
The smell of iqos and marijuana
You like for it to always
Be quiet
The language
Of your bleached-out once-green hair
Of my dreads thrown across the pillow
Fridrikh Chernyshovtranslated by Ainsley Morse* * *
I just
can't anymore
(a poem)
German Lukomnikovtranslated by Ainsley Morse*
those who can read and those who cannot read
those who can write and those who cannot write
those who have lots of words
and those who do not have a single word
those who have something to say and those who have nothing to say
those who have reasons to speak and those who have no reason to speak
those who are guilty and those who are not guilty
those our hearts burn for and
those who would be better off not being born those who already died of grief and those who are dying of grief
so that the enemies of nicosia
have an easier time slandering nicosia
those who did what they could
and those who did what they should
both I and the language that was.
and you
Mar. 21, 2020
Stanislav Lvovsky, trans. Yazhe Yang * * *
everyone saves
what’s most precious
turns out
Dmitri Kuz’min translated by Ainsley MorseMARRIAGEFLIGHT FROM EGYPTto T.P.They are done with each other in this desert,
with each other's petty, personal quirks:
Maria always twitching her rabbity nose
chronically running—
a pearl of a nose,
fresh-water, of little value.
Joseph coughs at the end of each sentence
as if bursting into laughter
but trust me, he isn't laughing.
Since the annunciation
it became clear
that, like a many-headed beast, they are one:
a moldy cradle,
chatty Magi,
the heavy, gold
cheapness of their useless gifts.
The cliff of her mouth,
a wrinkled eye avoiding the cross.
To look anywhere,
there, into the distance,
there, into the desert.
Black, cold sand:
in a marriage, what happiness it is not to be oneself,
not to know oneself,
to follow the other,
to be comforted with little, attacks of squeamishness, surges
of irritation.
With dreams of escape.
Herod gapes in the distance like a heavy dirty cloud
or a villain in a film by Sergei Parajanov (uncanny resemblance).
A donkey is bored,
its eyes yellow, tense.
Maria is quietly weeping.
Faking it?
Joseph looks around, pierced
with an unwelcomed pity for his wife and a child not his.
Like the first flower of spring,
bold, fragrant,
the star is about to hatch.
Polina Barskova* * *
adorno and benjamin take their place
the shelves of subscription publications are bursting with antifascist literature
while you stand face to face
with a lesson of literature
the lesson says answer me
the orb of day has gone dark
and radiant were the evenings
and the author’s been put up against the wall
also the lesson says shut your mouth
you’ll live longer
and a thin stream of urine pours down
from this autumn at the lycée
and you fall into the embrace of your classmates
cellmates executioners
Alexander Skidantranslated by James McGavran*** Huge piles of heavy snow
A terrifying night ahead
A bomb shelter just outside Moscow
The last place we will rest our heads
Full of perplexing tenderness
Light on melting bits of ice
These bomb shelters just outside Moscow
Like burial mounds in the mournful gneiss
Conceived by gentle Brezhnev
For the remnants of the people
A bomb shelter just outside Moscow
This is your and our freedom
Into the earth, enchanting female,
We shall depart, tears mounting as we go
A bomb shelter just outside Moscow
Will cover us with its divine paw
Maybe as a wondering kid you walked
Around this wild abandoned field
But you were told: there’s a hole, too
Between the school and five-story bloc
But you were told: if it’s not there yet
It definitely will be later
A bomb shelter just outside Moscow
And Russian people all around you
A carpet of snow, foamy as champagne
And just as cold and radioactive
The bomb shelter just outside Moscow
Will make everything so attractive.
Snow settles on the eternal lair
And will stay until the arrival
O bomb shelter just outside Moscow
My quiet ode is just for you
My shining song is all about you
You don’t believe me, but you should
A nifty ladder going down
A terrifying door shuts from above
‘Midst your stalactites I’ll be lounging
I’ll spot the diamonds in the concrete
Of the bomb shelter just outside Moscow:
Poor unfortunates in gas-masks
Andrei RodionovTranslated by Ainsley Morse